018 Risk Management Procedure
All Proactive Support staff
‘Risk Assessment’ form
004 Risk Management Framework
005 Risk Management Policy
006 Work Health and Safety Policy
007 Feedback and Complaints Management Policy
008 Incident Management Policy
012 Participant’s Supports Management Policy
018 Human Resource Management Policy
020 Emergency and Disaster Management (including Pandemic) Policy
021 Adverse Events Plans
Incident Register
1. Identify the Risk
Risks are identified in some of the following ways:
- In consultation with a participant, carer and/or nominee as part of the support planning process
- During Work Health and Safety audits
- As part of an Incident Register review
- Determined during management meetings
2. Assess the Risk
Some risks will need to undergo a risk assessment to analyse and evaluate the risk. This is done by filling in a ‘Risk Assessment’ form to identify:
- The hazard or risk
- The potential of harm
- The likelihood of it happening
- Persons at risk
- Existing control measures
- Consequences and likelihood of potential harm
3. Risk Matrix
4. Control the Risk
Choose the preferred method for controlling the risk and write up how it will be implemented:
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering
- Administrative
5. Control Measures
6. Review and Monitor the Risk
Each risk will be added to the risk register to enable yearly review and monitoring to determine:
- If control measures are in place
- If the controls are eliminating or minimising the risk
- If there are any new problems with the risk